
Results 26 comments of berglh

Just chiming in here, I saw that NVIDIA released the 510.39.01 beta driver: Seems like a lot of work on VK_EXT extensions and official GBM API support. Although I...

@gardotd426 Of course, you're right. I made the mistake of assuming this article was correct in [claiming refined GBM suppprt]( >NVIDIA's 510 Linux beta also has a ReBAR indicator, updated...

**Update** Tried 510.39.01 using the NVIDIA installer, made `obs-vkcapture` and receiving the same errors as OP when running `glxgears` in X11.

@chrsblck I'll see how long it annoys me for and may have a stab at it. I wouldn't hold your breath because I have some other priorities at the moment,...

After reviewing my issues, I determined that actually my only real problem was `/etc/sysconfig/docker-storage` not being populated by only specifying the `dm_thinpooldev` option and not specifying `storage_driver => 'devicemapper'` explicitly....

@eperdeme I don't believe the gareth docker module creates thin pools for you. You need to configure those.. In my test vagrant environment, I did this using shell exec: >...

@Kaspi314 I'm not sure if this will work, but perhaps one option could be to use the new [roc-pulse]( modules. I needed to use these roc-pulse modules for PA 15.0...

I'm also banging my head against this one, not sure how this is shaping up.

@sl1pkn07 @cyberpunkrocker-zero I just found that this is more or less solved with [PulseAudio modules for Roc Toolkit]( This doesn't build the whole of PulseAudio in order to build the...

I also have replicated this problem with Logstash 1.5.6 and Logstash 2.10. [Grok Filter and Nested Objects/Fields Ambiguity](, I only just found this issue and seems like it's in a...