Henri Bergius

Results 153 issues of Henri Bergius

It would be useful if OpenPSA had a web API. [Basecamp API](http://developer.37signals.com/basecamp/) might be a good fit, as then various clients could easily talk to OpenPSA as well. This might...

We can use [Passport's BrowserID strategy](https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-browserid)

If supported by the browser, we should consider using HTML5 notifications instead of the Create.js notification widget, at least for notifications not attached to a DOM element. http://blog.pragmatic.ly/its-not-perfect-but-its-time-to-integrate-web

Default UI

Our toolbar has three button areas: - Session buttons (Edit/Cancel, Save) - Entity buttons (workflows, history, metadata) - Property buttons (Hallo toolbar, Add) Currently all widgets deal with the button...

Default UI

Authentication is normally a server-side feature. However, Create could potentially provide support for [BrowserID](https://browserid.org/) with a simple API to verify the login on the server. This shouldn't be pushed as...

Default UI

* [x] Set up normal shell tools via Ansible * [x] Stow config via Ansible * [ ] Set up WiFi for RPis * [ ] Use Ansible for building...

Using PhpDoc [code](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHPDoc#Using_.3Ccode.3E_and_.3Cpre.3E) tags doesn't seem to be recognized by phpdox. In generated HTML docs I see stuff like: ``` // Loads the component for the first time $_MIDCOM->componentloader->load('fi.protie.navigation'); //...



I have an [issue with the Symfony AiP bundle](https://github.com/bergie/MidgardAppServerBundle/issues/1) where I need to make it configurable (to support multiple applications in different URLs defined by user). The easiest way to...


We should provide interfaces compatible with http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-api/Overview-src.html#basic-concepts