ng2-file-input copied to clipboard
Angular 2 component that implements a drag and drop or select file selection, including preview.
I tried to use the input "accept" but I did not succeed. ` ` A little example in README file would be nice!
ERROR: ERROR in Metadata version mismatch for module /home/projects/front-end/node_modules/ng2-file-input/dist/ng2-file-input.d.ts, found version 4, expected 3, resolving symbol GeneralModule in /home/projects/Finch/front-end/src/app/modules/shared/general.module.ts, resolving symbol GeneralModule in /home/projects/Finch/front-end/src/app/modules/shared/general.module.ts, resolving symbol GeneralModule in /home/projects/Finch/front-end/src/app/modules/shared/general.module.ts my...
Hello, I'm getting an error when loading the css. GET http://localhost:4200/node_modules/ng2-file-input/ng2-file-input.css net::ERR_ABORTED I have done the npm install of your package, added it to my app-module and included the script...
switch from bergben-angular2-file-drop to angular2-file-drop