ng2-file-input copied to clipboard
Angular 2 component that implements a drag and drop or select file selection, including preview.
Not actively maintained anymore, looking for maintainer
Unfortunately I don't have time to actively maintain my open source repos anymore. If anyone wants to take over, feel free to contact me anytime, I'd be happy if this project still finds use.
Angular 4 and 5 component that implements a drag and drop or select file selection, including preview.
A simple demo is available as a plnkr:
Breaking changes in 1.0
The logged action of the output events is now an Enum instead of a string.
The output event onChange
does not exist anymore.
$ npm install ng2-file-input --save
Import the module
// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Ng2FileInputModule } from 'ng2-file-input'; // <-- import the module
import { MyComponent } from './my.component';
imports: [BrowserModule,
Ng2FileInputModule.forRoot() // <-- include it in your app module
declarations: [MyComponent],
bootstrap: [MyComponent]
export class MyAppModule {}
Import the styles
This library uses Bootstrap 4, so make sure to install that if you want the default styling to apply.
If you use Sass / Scss you can import the styles like so:
@import "{}/node_modules/ng2-file-input/ng2-file-input.scss";
otherwise just include the css file like this in your styles.css:
@import '~ng2-file-input/ng2-file-input.css';
Use it in your template
Output events
General: onAction
<ng2-file-input (onAction)="onAction($event)"></ng2-file-input>
The on-action event will fire whenever an action to the file input happens, returning the following object:
id: //the file input's id that emits the action (useful if you use the service and handle multiple file inputs, see below)
currentFiles: //list of the current files
action: //see Enum below
file: //the file that caused the action
The emitted Action is an Enum:
export enum Ng2FileInputAction{
Added= 1,
InvalidDenied = 2,
CouldNotRemove = 3,
CouldNotAdd = 4,
You can use this Enum to check which action was emitted in your component like so (import it first of course):
Specific: onRemoved, onAdded, onInvalidDenied, onCouldNotRemove, onCouldNotAdd
<ng2-file-input (onRemoved)="onRemoved($event)" (onInvalidDenied)="onInvalidDenied($event)"></ng2-file-input>
Those actions fire when each correlating action happens, emitting the following object:
id: //the file input's id that emits the action (useful if you use the service and handle multiple file inputs, see below)
currentFiles: //list of the current files
file: //the file that caused the action
Reset the file input or programatically add / remove files
Using the Ng2FileInputService
you can easily reset the file input (removes all added files) or manually add and remove files. All you need to do so is to give the file input a UNIQUE identifier:
<ng2-file-input [id]="myFileInputIdentifier"></ng2-file-input>
private myFileInputIdentifier:string = "tHiS_Id_IS_sPeeCiAL";
constructor(private ng2FileInputService: Ng2FileInputService){
Available Options
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
dropText | string | set the text for the dropzone |
browseText | string | set the text for the browse button |
removeText | string | set the text that appears when hovering over a preview element to remove |
invalidFileText | string | set the text for the error that appears if an invalid file or with a disallowed extension was added |
invalidFileTimeout | number | how long the error should appear, set to 0 if it should stay |
multiple | Boolean | wether multiple files can be added or not |
showPreviews | Boolean | show a preview of the selected file / files |
accept | string | string for the input field accept attribute |
removable | Boolean | should files be removable (through the preview) |
extensions | string[] | the allowed extensions to be selected. Can either be ['image/jpeg', ...] or ['jpg',...] |
Default global
You can set the options globally like so (below are the default values for the parameters if they are not set):
dropText:"Drop file here";
invalidFileText:"You have picked an invalid or disallowed file."
Per element
You can overwrite the default parameters per element:
<ng2-file-input [drop-text]="'my very custom dropzone text'"></ng2-file-input>
Please note that instead of camelCase the lisp-case has to be used here.
All the elements have sepcific css classes, please just look them up using the element inspector.
To-do (Pull requests welcome)
- Render preview for images better
- Preserve EXIF orientation for the images preview
- Add animations