Anton Berezin
Anton Berezin
There is a test project in Dokka We want to run screenshot tests against it to automatically check for regressions [KTL-1447]( This is a subtask of
Rework navbar component according to new design [KTL-1564](
Rework tabs component according to design [KTL-1542](
For example in the ui-showcase project for the page /kmp/org.jetbrains.dokka.uitest.kmp/index.html When only "Linux" filter is enabled then "Types" tab has no content and therefore it should not be displayed [KTL-1422](
When you disable and then enable the filters on mobile devices, the color of the button updates only after you click on the next filter or another click outside. [The...
Steps: Disable some filters in different sections Change sections and see at the disabled buttons Actual result: disabled buttons flicker (the video is attached). Expected result: disabled buttons shouldn't flicker....