Bálint Erdősi

Results 3 comments of Bálint Erdősi

I didn't try it for a while, and had the same warning, indeed. [This StackOverflow answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/45782695/8515485) helped - it requires the [command-line tools](https://developer.android.com/studio#command-tools), and accepts all the licenses: ```Bash yes...

It is a shameless drag, but I've just found this project when making the F-Droid merge request for my own ([HeartBeat](https://github.com/berdosi/HeartBeat)). As I've seen in other issues, this one checks...

Until there is one, the API endpoints are [defined here](https://github.com/jonathanklee/Sapio/blob/cbec5c0d44c93e1461b700c3d5dabd436d30f90a/app/src/main/java/com/klee/sapio/data/RetrofitClient.kt#L83), e. g. this is one application's "data sheet": https://sapio.ovh/api/sapio-applications/2001 NB Using the undocumented JSON is not particularly user-friendly, and, while...