@AvneetBaweja is working on this.
@Zyx51940930 is working on this.
@scarlet1314 is working on this.
@4from6, @scarlet1314 has a solution - [check your issue](
@liuyepiaoxiang is working on this.
@ricardojmp is working on this.
@moshmage reviewed this with the following message:looks good to me
@jaymeschroeder reviewed this with the following message:It appears that the createNetwork function now emits the CreatedNetwork event from a change made by someone else, however it still emits the id,...
@moshmage reviewed this with the following message:@jaymeschroeder > Should the amount still be removed? If not, then it looks fine without my merge now. Yes, no need for the amount...
@jaymeschroeder reviewed this with the following message:I've made the change to CreatedNetwork event however npm is throwing an error during the test. Seems unrelated?