Results 7 issues of benzwt

I'm running a small device with busybox, the version of the linux kernel is 4.14.0. I built my own dbus, tpm2-abrmd(following the INSTALL.MD). But I failed to lauched the tpm2-abrmd...

- vim or neovim? - [x] vim - [ ] neovim - Output of `vim --version` or `nvim --version`: ``` VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Aug...

fix typo error in Makefile

**Version** warp v0.3.6 **Platform** Linux Office 6.5.0-14-generic #14~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Nov 20 18:15:30 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux **Description** [short summary of the bug] I ran the


how would I open a gscopefind result in tab[page] instead buffer ? I try to modified gutentags_plus.vim from exec 'cs find '.a:what.' '.fnameescape(keyword) to exec 'tab cs find '.a:what.' '.fnameescape(keyword)...

after :Gscopefind g foobar the quickfix window open and list out the result. By selecting the result, a new window was open but the quickfix window stays open. what settings...

segmentation fault on elf x86_64 packed with silvio_infection