Benyamin Limanto

Results 75 comments of Benyamin Limanto

@jwalton512 could you merge this please? with the other? Thank you :)

> Same problem. Simply added this line to my local .vimrc: > `autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.blade.php set filetype=blade` Thank you. It works well! ![image](

Hello is there anyway to make direct link to reddit beside the context comment, so we can directly go to that specific comment and reply. Thank you

This also affect I can't comprehend they use this resort to make their service unusable when we use adblocker on their platform. What a joke Instagram.. Well.. seems this...

I also have this problem, does it only index 2 or 3 directory below it? Thanks EDIT: After playing with some configuration I add the configuration on init.vim /.vimrc

I also experience the same. does this only works on linux? I think this problem raise because we users use ytdlp, and at line 196-210 on .lua script is really...

Does yt-dlp is included on windows env PATH? If no the error will raise.. so please try to check it. Check also if yoy are using ytdl or ytdlp. Regards,...

@RafeeDaBoy I think yt-dlp path should be tested on cmd first, because I've yt-dlp and mpv on same folder and I put it on env path, then it works. Please...

I also have this problem, Still try to find solution. Seems sysconf is native to Linux GCC?

> 0.6.30 where is the 0.6.30? why I can't found it?