Thanks for the additional heads up about the features of, will look into that further. I've been running some tests since you directed me to this and with `queue=1`...
Thank you for those tips - given that my processor has been designed with 20 threads, I've increased the number of threads per worker to 8, and I'm planning on...
Running further tests using the default dask config (i.e. `client = Client()` with no further mentions of dask) memory utilisation on my system is now even higher with approximately 17GB...
Sorry I should be clearer. Working with a queue of 1 is currently the only way I can process the interferrograms. Ideally I'd like to be able to have the...
I've been experimenting with this over the past couple of weeks using your Yamchi Dam notebook as an example. Everything works perfectly with regards to interferogram generation with larger stacks...
I had been setting `datagrid.chunksize = 1024` still since your suggestion with my work from the original pygmtsar, so I have removed that and now I think i'm able to...
Hi, thanks for the reply - i'm still having issues every now and then when downloading data. I've had another "max tries exceeded, connection refused" error (see above bug_output_2.txt) and...
Sorry, I'm still getting used to HTTP codes - I can't find anything relating to any news of server downtime (I've asked on their forum just in case). Would it...