Ben Whalley
Ben Whalley
Perhaps a nicer way to avoid breaking backwards compatibility for predicates would be to return either True/False as now or True/`Failed` where `Failed` is a new object that is false-y...
This wouldn't work outside of a request. I can see it would be useful though — maybe even better to just expose the request to predicates, if it's available?
Sublime text has a nice thing going with cmd-P, cmd+shift+p and cmd-R... Perhaps worth looking at editors for nice ways to expose lots of context-sensitive functions?
I came here to report something similar. This error also occurs if trying to use constance settings in or (anything that gets called when Django starts up) when...
Ideally the default would be that this: ```{r} mean(mtcars$mpg) ``` Would produce something like: ``` mean(mtcars$mpg) [1] 20.09062 ``` This way you could style the code and output differently. The...
Just to add, an example here: I realised that spans within pre tags wouldn't allow a background color, so divs might be better. Either would be better than current...
I understand that the processing is done by pandoc etc, although I guess that doesn't preclude using markdown syntax to add the classes to multiple elements. However I see that...
I'm aware the the concept of estimating a group 'mean' from an ordinal outcome is somewhat problematic, but I currently have some likert-style (1-7) data which I'd like to first...
Yes, by default emmeans results are on the latent scale, with a reference category set to zero. I added `type="response"` to try and get responses on the original ordered scale....
I can see you wouldn't want people to lose the messages, but you do see them interactively even when coercing to a tibble. However, they aren't super-informative in this specific...