Ben Booth

Results 20 issues of Ben Booth

I was just curious about the amount of effort required to support Kubernetes. I know the README says Kubernetes is not supported, but does that mean it for sure doesn't...

In normal spark shell, pressing CTRL+C once will attempt to cancel the currently running spark job. I know in the past pressing CTRL+C in Ammonite would use thread.stop() to kill...

I understand that this is a hard problem, and that Leiningen isn't any better at this, but I think the major deal-breaker for using boot CLI scripts is the SLOW...

help wanted

Currently there doesn't appear to be a websocket implementation for `connect_core_v1_get_namespaced_pod_exec`. It would be great to have one. The python k8s client has an implementation [here]( The `ws` crate could...

It would be nice if more numeric types were supported instead of just Float, e.g. Double, Int, Long, BigInt, BigDecimal. Can the numeric type be generalized? This would be useful...

help wanted

When I load bigBed tracks into JBrowse, I noticed that the `utrColor` style setting is not used. Instead, the entire feature is the same color, unlike the `ProcessedTranscript` glyph. This...

feature req

I'm using JBrowse 1.11.4, with FireFox 31. I have a set of CanvasFeatures tracks with a custom onclick handler that looks like: ``` "onClick" : { "action" : "newWindow", "url"...

help wanted

If I run mango-submit passing a .fasta file as reference: ``` /users/bbooth/src/mango/bin/mango-submit /data/seqdata/analysis/fakereads/S288C_reference_genome_R64-2-1_20150113/S288C_reference_sequence_R64-2-1_20150113.fsa.fasta -features /data/seqdata/analysis/fakereads//data/seqdata/analysis/fakereads/S288C_reference_genome_R64-2-1_20150113/saccharomyces_cerevisiae_R64-2-1_20150113.genes.gff3 ``` The fasta file has chromosome names with pipes, e.g.: ``` ref|NC_001141| ref|NC_001136| ref|NC_001135| ref|NC_001144|...

It would be nice if Ammonite had support for java remote debugging scripts. RIght now it is possible to attach to a running ammonite process but breakpoints don't work and...

Right now scala-cli requires passing in all scala source dependencies as arguments, including transitive dependencies. It would be nice to have ammonite-style `import $file` syntax, maybe with the existing `using`...
