Ben Vandervalk
Ben Vandervalk
Hmm, I'm not sure what the issue is. It does indeed look like sparsehash fails to compile with that particular gcc. I am wondering if sparsehash has changed its minimum...
Hmm. sparsehash-2.0.3 is the most recent release, which was published way back in Oct 2015. It is quite possible that there are some gentoo-specific patches to sparsehash that are breaking...
keeping this one open until fixed
@eroberson Thanks for reporting this and thanks also for providing your exact GCC version and Boost version up front. I'm not sure how I will fix this at the moment,...
@eroberson Thanks, good to know!
still want to fix this
still needs to be fixed
@StephenHodgson Thanks for the pointer to your patch. I actually didn't see it before I started writing my own solution, and I was a bit depressed to find out that...
I forgot to mention: I tried (again) to write proper unit tests, this time with Unity 2018.3.0f2, but it still doesn't seem possible due to poor async/await support in the...