Ben Smithett

Results 13 comments of Ben Smithett

Fantastic, thanks Chris! I'll transfer it over to you :)

@christophermina ``` christophermina/dragster already exists ``` Let me know if you can rename/nuke your fork and I'll try again!

@christophermina done!

Hey @christophermina @thetutlage, sorry for the late response - there's about as much internet as you'd expect to find in the middle of the Java Sea 😊 Just aborted &...

Thanks for letting me know :) from a quick look it might be fixed by changing `text/plain` to `text` I'll have a look tomorrow when I have a Windows...

Sorry everyone, I haven't looked at this repo for ages. #9 fixes this apparently - I don't have IE available for the next few days, can anyone confirm @christophermina's rewrite...

@catmanjan I'm taking the progressive enhancement approach here. I mostly use these events to add/remove styling classes to indicate a user has dragged over an element. It's nice UI polish,...

@catmanjan at this point it's an enhancement, I've never promised old IE support. Reopened & labeled as such :smiley: Old IE doesn't support DOM event constructors, and I don't want...

@catmanjan sweet, thanks! I'll chuck a link in the main readme

@catmanjan any chance you can list off the bugs you found in the other jquery plugin PR?