Ben Schwarz

Results 88 comments of Ben Schwarz

Marcus says "`optional` packages are installed after the main package". I'd be happy to accept a patch on this one. I don't have alot of spare time this week.

We have run experiments behind the scenes at Calibre and were able to observe Total Blocking Time (TBT) increases between Chrome versions. It seems that Lighthouse with Chrome 122 (&...

@adamraine Looking at our historic metrics, I didn't see any notable change from LH 11.4.0 to 11.6.0, the change appeared to be purely Chrome based.

> Furthermore, the Chromium bug appears to have been incorrectly triaged as not being a regression, which appears to have lessened its priority. If others agree, then perhaps some further...

Hi David, I had a quick browse over your changes this morning. I think they're great—I'll look to pull them across when I get some spare time (perhaps over the...

kbighorse, I don't understand this comment. Is it a new bug?

Any updates on this? Did you make apache start by itself?

Hmm. I don't use passenger stack anymore, and don't even have a VPS account to test any changes… I might leave it where it is for now. On 06/03/2012, at...