cellarium icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cellarium copied to clipboard

Cellular automata with dynamic rulesets in WebGL

Cellular automata zoo that runs in your browser! Simulate arbitrary multi-state rules on the GPU.

Play with it here!




  • Left click to draw cells
  • Right click to draw state 0 cells (black)
  • Arrow keys or middle click to pan
  • Scroll wheel to zoom

Parameters (+ Keyboard Shorcuts)

  • pen size: Radius of drawing circle in pixels
  • pen state (1,2,3,4...): Cell type to draw with
  • pause (spacebar): Pauses simulation
  • step (S): Pauses, advances simulation by a single step
  • steps per frame: Number of simulation steps attempted per rendered frame
  • # states: Interprets rule with this number of states (changing will require new rule)
  • preset: Various preset rules
  • random rule (R): Generates random rule
  • import rule from clipboard: Imports compressed rule from clipboard text
  • export rule to clipboard: Exports compressed rule as text to clipboard
  • rule from text: Interprets input text as a rule (not the same as import)
  • mutate rule (M): Randomly changes some rule parameters
  • simulation size: Size of the simulation texture
  • clear (C): Sets state of entire simulation space to 0
  • germinate from center (G): Adds single state-1 cell to center, clearing everything else
  • fill randomly (F): Sets all cells to random states



Totalistic 2D automata are a set of automata that include Conway's Game of Life, Wireworld, Brian's Brain, and more, which will be added as presets soon. Help me find new interesting rules to include in the presets!

How it Works

Rules are represented by linear byte arrays that are packed into 2D textures. To determine state change for a given cell, the texture is accessed by 1D index.

This 1D index is calculated from an "input state", which is composed of the current cell state and state of the cells neighbors. Again, this is a totalistic cellular automaton simulator, so what actually goes into the input state is the total number of states of neighbors. Their position around the current cell does not get taken into account when calculating the input state.

Since it is totalistic, the neighbor state counts must always sum to 8, as there are 8 total cells in the neighborhood. The tricky part here is ensuring that the 1D index space calculated from all possible input states is contiguous. Meaning, there must be a unique index for each possible input state, with no unused indices.