Benoit Xhenseval
Benoit Xhenseval
Suggest that we change the ExcelTransformer to be a Writer.
Hi Dennis I'd be happy to check this but it would really help if you could provide with a Unit Test that I could include in the build? Many thanks...
Yes, so it will fail until I fix the problem. Thanks Benoit On Tue, 2 Jun 2020 at 19:45, dmichalski wrote: > Hi, > > I am willing to help...
Hi I do not know if it is possible but I'd assume not. A workaround would be to define pet1,pet2 and pet3 in the XML definition and then call those....
Yes it was writing a long and avoiding a scientific issue. The issue happened at work but I’ve failed to reproduce the problem at home, that is a bit weird....
Hello No clue no. But you have provided very little information. Could you kindly provide a test case, what is the xml file that you are trying to load? It...
Is the DTD still available at ? ----- Important Notice This communication contains information that is considered confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use...
Interesting... 1) are you sure this is the problem? 2) Can you change the xml file to point somewhere else? 3) Can it work without the URL for the DTD?...
If you could help me by telling me how we could make FlatPack more robust with this issue, that would be very appreciated. I'm not on my computer at the...
Credit will be given for any solution. Thanks a lot Regards from London On 27 September 2017 at 21:30, Avinash wrote: > Sounds good. Will post details and observations. >...