Benoît Wimart
Benoît Wimart
or MIDI :)
Thank you. I understand at 99%, but make multiple changes, save diff in an array and play with this array when I do multiple undo and redo is not easy....
I try this :
Oh yes, I remember on an other test the wrong switch between old and new :)
I will try in few days, thank you !
Something go wrong :( I make 3 clicks, 3 undos, 3 clicks, 3 undos (the 2 undos is wrong) :(
it's look ok 👍
Finaly, it's not 100% ok from `{a:[[1,1,1,1],0,0]}` to `{a:[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],0]}` undo return an objet :( I have `{a:[{0:1,1:1,2:1,3:1},0,0]}` Here
Thank you !
I did this, but pen up and down does not work.