Benoit Tigeot
Benoit Tigeot
Hello First thanks for Aglio, we love it. I just spent time to fix all blueprint errors in our code. Like @ndonald2. Our customers are quite lost when they look...
Thanks a lot @danielgtaylor
Does the [last update]( and specially [attributes-kit]( help to resolve this ticket ? I don't how much each components speak to each other, and how they should help to resolve...
Please stop with the +1. We already know that lot's of people dream about this feature. Think about people that receive emails everytime with only this information.
I see lot's of changes on [attributes-kit]( Does it mean some change on attributes on Aglio soon ? Thanks a lot
Seems the related issue has been closed Any news on this one? Cheers
First thanks @kmayer for the job already done. I have the same problem. From [this discussion](, Mike Perham say: > I don't support automated testing batches in-process. You can test...
Sorry for the bump @kmayer. But I'm still interested ;)
[He said]( "If anyone comes up with a solution they think is useful to all Sidekiq Pro users, I'm happy to review"
Hello Edouard I think this one is a good example Failing build