Results 9 comments of Benoit KUGLER

I've no argument against rewriting Git history, but I'm not proficient at all in this exercice ! The weight of the module is indeed coming from test font files. I...

PR #12 has indeed nicely slimmed down the repo. However, I'm not seing a large benefit (in size) by running `git filter-branch` as you hinted : I'm still at 121M...

How urgent is this optimization ? The thing is that this map is only useful for Type1 fonts, and the long term plan for this package is to be integrated...

I've started working on a new version of the package which will remove this issue (by removing unused dependency). In the meantime, I'll gladly accept a PR implementing one of...

Oh sorry, I only ran the tests in the text package. Perhaps the change comes from the new space handling (during line wrapping) introduced in ?

There is also which changes glyph offsets if you use a custom scale (font size).

Alright, thank you for the explanation ! As a side note, it would perhaps be useful to include a cursor API into go-text? I know pango had one and I...

An idea you might want to consider is to split the current `GoTextFaceSource.shape` into two functions : one which only performs the layout, computing a `shaping.Line`; the other one which...

> Unfortunately go-text HarfBuzzShaper.Shape function doesn't split the functions (calculating glyphs and calculating layouts), and this is the problem. I might have misunderstood the issue : I thought you wanted...