Gonzalo Benoffi

Results 11 issues of Gonzalo Benoffi

The app works fine but when I open Waze, does not track. Do you know any reason? Thanks in advance

Hi! I placed in all drawable folder, two icons of 64 * 64 but in the app the size is the same whatever the icons files is placed What I...

Hi! When I run the app with no errors this is my logcat ActivityManager: Invalid packageName: me.gilo.woodroid.app Thanks!

Al integrar implementation 'com.mercadopago.android.px:checkout:4.+' me saltan estos errores C:\Users\DELL\.gradle\caches\transforms-3\d3ba8c4cb7470b6a31531663dc8f9c76\transformed\jetified-ui_legacy-8.18.0\res\values\values.xml:890:4: Duplicate value for resource 'attr/scaleType' with config 'DEFAULT' and product ''. Resource was previously defined here: C:\Users\DELL\.gradle\caches\transforms-3\33fbbdaa29e40aa7dafc23f6688d8f28\transformed\jetified-camera-view-1.1.0-beta03\res\values\values.xml:6:4: . Element uses-feature#android.hardware.camera.autofocus at...

MercadoPago.SDK.configure("ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN"); me dice que SDK no existe (no puedo usar la 4 por problemas con dependencias)

Hi! I want to add MaterialBarcodeScanner as module in my app but it shows this error Could not get unknown property 'POM_DEVELOPER_ID' for project ':materialbarcodescanner' of type org.gradle.api.Project. in my...

I add ``` ``` to my XML and `xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" ` to my root layout in the same XML And I get a lot of errors. In my styles.xml I add...

In addition to the gestures, I would need to know if the library has the functionality to launch zoom events programmatically. Thank you so much!

Hi I want use the library in versions of Android < API11 with the Android Support Library but the following line only accepts FragmentManager datePickerDialog.show(getFragmentManager(), tag);; I want use getSupportFragmentManager...

Hi! Its a great example to send commands but I need to send more information like strings or byts to decode in the server side. Can U help me with...