Gonzalo Benoffi
Gonzalo Benoffi
I found this https://stackoverrun.com/es/q/9774569
use setselection. no animation
There is some example code https://github.com/EdwardvanRaak/MaterialBarcodeScanner/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/edwardvanraak/materialbarcodescannerexample/MainActivity.java
If I quit all the atributtes ``` ``` Same error...
@rpgdev fixed!!! You need generate the .jar from the source code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21712714/how-to-make-a-jar-out-from-an-android-studio-project and import that jar into your app ``` compile files('libs/persistentsearchview.jar') ``` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16608135/android-studio-add-jar-as-library I have the .jar if you...
I can do this in the server ``` StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(inputStream, writer, "UTF-8"); String theString = writer.toString(); System.out.println(theString); ``` but this is the output ``` BlueCove version...
News! I comment this line `int command = inputStream.read();` and I get the "full" string 123456789**ÿ** I can eliminate the last char but is not the best...
In my android app I have this ``` mCommandService.write(editText.getText().toString().trim()); editText.getText().clear(); mCommandService.stop(); ``` If I remove the last line, the **ÿ** disapear. So I guess that is the stop command. Can...