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Gruvbox inspired Arch Linux Hyprland rice.



The configuration files for Bennett's Arch Linux rice based around Gruvbox.

Getting Started

In order to set up this rice you need to install Arch Linux and create a user. This can be done by following the Arch Wiki.

Note: the automatic bootstrap script uses sudo, so you'll need to ensure your user is apart of the wheel group.

After installing everything and creating your user, clone the dotfiles repo to ~/git/dotfiles.

mkdir -p ~/git
git clone [email protected]:bennetthardwick/dotfiles.git ~/git/dotfiles

After cloning the respository run the bootstrap script and follow the prompts.


Once this script completes you'll be loaded into i3 window manager.


If you don't want to use the automatic script, symlink all the files to your home directory using the command stow.

cd ~/git
stow dotfiles

Now that the config files are stowed, the environment should mostly be up and running.


There are various dependencies that are required to get this rice working perfectly. Most are in the Arch repos but you will need to install some stuff form the AUR. If you're setting this rice up on another distro just install the same applications with the equivalent commands.

Note: if you're using the automatic script you don't have to worry about installing these manually.

sudo pacman -S \
        i3-gaps \
        rofi \
        the_silver_searcher \
        fzf \
        maim \
        chromium \
        alacritty \
        zsh \
        zsh-autosuggestions \
        ripgrep \
        dunst \
        ranger \
        picom \
        hsetroot \

In addition to this, you also need to install:


I've got a bunch of small cli tools that I often use inside the bin folder. This folder is added to my path so they're easily accessible.


note is a utility that opens a markdown file for the current day in Vim and appends a timestamp as a title. These files are stored in a folder called notes in my home directory. This is a quick way for me to take notes and I've found it very useful.

The note command also has some command line flags like -t/--type which queries all notes and opens Vim with the matching ones in the quickfix list (i.e. note -t todo will open all notes with - todo: something in them).

It also has a command for searching -s/--search which uses ripgrep regex to search through the notes - adding them to the quickfix list.


todos is the same as note -t todo. It opens vim with all the todos in the quickfix list.


scratchpad opens a large alacritty terminal in the i3 scratchpad workspace with a semi-transparent background. It can be shown/dismissed using Mod+-


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