Ben Marwick

Results 60 comments of Ben Marwick

I have not run this code since 2013, I'm not sure that it will all work today because many of the packages have changed. There will be many new packages...

@m-Py that's good to know about the accuracy of the two methods (I'm the author of the wordcountaddin), thanks for sharing your test results. I might drop the stringi method...

Also, a new function in wordcountaddin that might be useful here: `wordcountaddin::word_count("my_file.Rmd")` This returns a single integer, so it might be handy for using in headers, etc.

[Ben Marwick]( Archaeology, Geosciences, Social sciences - R

Thanks for taking a look, the credit goes to the author of [this SO answer]( For a specific function, do you mean something that might work like this? ``` ineq_join(x,...

That's great to know about the speed up from data.table. I'll have a go at making an `ineq` function and some tests in my fork, but if you best me...

Sounds good, thanks!

Did this make it into the current CRAN version? I'm not sure that I can find it in the docs. Thanks!

Righto, thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to the next CRAN release!

Here's a pattern for downloading multiple files from one folder on a googledrive that might be useful to include in ``` library(googledrive) library(purrr) # here is the ID of...