Results 9 issues of Ben Marten

Something broke on my machine, so running my tests leads to: `/usr/local/Cellar/bats/0.4.0/libexec/bats-exec-test: line 327: /var/folders/rs/s_q1py2d54q4g9bk1h7vg95r0000gn/T/bats.30926.src: No such file or directory` Any idea whats wrong?

Coming from Heroku, installation of this tool is not trivial. It would be great if installation was possible via homebrew. Heroku CLI for example can be easily installed via: `brew...


`cannot proxy inaccessible class class com.leanplum.testproj.MessagesListActivity$1MyListAdapter` Getting this error, when trying to run: ``` proxyAdapterClass = ProxyBuilder.forClass(existingListAdapter.getClass()) .dexCache(activity.getDir("leanplumClassDir", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)) .handler(handler) .build(); ``` Looks like proxying anonymous inner classes is not...

Using version 0.11 I have no .jshintrc, only this in my Gruntfile.js ``` jshint: { options: { jshintrc: true, JSON: true }, files: ['index.js', 'Gruntfile.js', 'lib/*.js', 'test/*.js'] } ``` Error:...

Looks like apple has update their api, does it still work for you guys? When adding a song I am seeing this: Here are my headers: ``` headers = {...

This project looks promising... Having hard time to figure out how it works.... I'm in a git repo, made a change and I'm running `Diff View: Uncomitted changes`, nothing happens....


Hi, thanks for that great plugin. I would like to see native jade support also... e.g.: `link(href="../public/layouts/core.critical.min.css?__inline=true" rel="stylesheet")` to `style ............`

How to populate existing chat messages already before the chat room view appears, without the scroll animation visible to the user? I tried the below lines in my BORChatRoom subclass...

I am using env and simple mocha: ``` // Register Single Tasks grunt.registerTask('phantomjs', ['env:phantomjs', 'simplemocha']); grunt.registerTask('firefox', ['env:firefox', 'simplemocha']); // Register Combined Tasks grunt.registerTask('all', ['env:phantomjs', 'simplemocha', 'env:firefox', 'simplemocha']); ``` Running manually...