As the title already suggests, it would be good to have a possessable trap. Only for shots while standing still. Possibly as an add-on to the Properties ?
We need different animations for the cannon when it shoots or when the spike trap goes off. preferably one for shooting and one for lurking
we need a possibility to add custom sounds to maps or campaigns for custom creatures. they should be bundled in a .zip format.
further code is needed to have the creature count per player. Started with this PR here:
Prepared for evaluation. This is the code for a rule in the rules.cfg named 'Creatures_Count = 1028'. You have the option to reduce the number of creatures below this value...
Steps to reproduce: open tyrales realms map 4 "sons of the lord". modify the script to have more gold and the cta available. cast cta in the room where the...
The last two remaining tasks to make FX modding more user-friendly for a long time are: removing the count in terrain.cfg (room count and slab count) and allowing gaps in...