
Results 916 comments of Benjie

By default we exclude resources from extensions because the vast majority of users don’t want them in their GraphQL schema; however you can tell us to include them with the...

(I absolutely love this presentation framework by the way, have been using it for years and extoll the virtues of it everywhere I present ❤️ - I've even got an...

For those interested in my workflow, check out this script: And the corresponding `main` function in the index.html file:

I've just hacked out this workaround, sharing in case it's useful to anyone else: ```js function hidePrintSlides(slideshow) { const allSlides = slideshow.getSlides(); let lastSlide; let currentSlide; const slidesToHide = [];...

Make sure it fires after the DOM is ready. I don't have a minimal example right now - sorry 😞

`selectGraphQLResultFromTable` is going away in PostGraphile V5; it was only ever intended to be a wrapper method to stop people having to write so much boilerplate. I'd love your input...

Bullet 1: use ts-node and that should work. It’s a Node concern, not a PostGraphile concern. Bullet 2: pgClient is for side effects and data for your own usage, selectGraphQLResultsFromTable...

pg-sql2, the library we use for templating SQL, can also be used with pgClient - please refer to its readme 👍 I’ve used Zapatos within PostGraphile projects 👍

`makeProcessSchemaPlugin` runs after the schema has been built, so it runs at the very end. `makeExtendSchemaPlugin` runs whilst the schema is being built. > I'd still like to know more...

Directives that the client can apply (those valid against operations, fields, fragments, selection sets, etc) become part of the schema. The other directive locations (field definition, object, etc) only become...