
Results 10 issues of Benjamin

Hello, great plugin, thank you for your work! the `Include Task Title and ID in subject line?` tickbox of the [SendEmailCreator plugin]( is a great idea! However, it does not...

Hello, great plugin :) here is the translation file for French. To be placed in a `translation.php` file within a new folder `fr_FR` inside the _Locale_ folder of the plugin,...

Hello, I would like to submit multiple UI improvements to the location search functionality. ## 1) Difficulty to attain the "Search for a city" popup **My issue:** the way one...


Hello, after installing (either manually or using the _install.sh_ script), here is the output I get when running portia: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 12, in...

Hello, SplittyPie is a very simple, clean and useful app, but I noticed a nasty bug. **When you update a transaction**, whether to add or remove a participant, or update...

Hello, I'm working on Windows 10 x64, and use the Git Bash utility for my CLI needs. This utility can use either the classic cmd of Windows, or [Mintty]( I...

Hello, I'm having an issue in the final step, when I try to flash the USB key with my custom firmware: ``` DriveCom.exe drive=F action=SendFirmware burner=BN03V117M.BIN firmware=FirmwareWithEmbeddedPayload.bin Action specified: SendFirmware...

Hello, here is what happens when I try adding a record using `` (of course replacing the values for `DOMAIN`, `USER`, `PASSWORD`): ``` python3 /opt/krbrelayx/ -u 'DOMAIN\USER' -p 'PASSWORD' --record...

Hello, I tried to wrote an email to the address suggested in various places (hello at simplemobiletools dot com) but I got an error message from the server: ``` :...

Hello, I just recently started using the KeePassXC browser extension. It works great, but I'm wondering something about security. What's preventing a malicious website to query the extension to obtain...
