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kubernetes-cloud-mysql-backup is a Docker Image based on Alpine Linux that automatically performs backups of MySQL databases, before uploading them to Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. It is designed...

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Hi, I add a sample terraform module to setup the CronJob to a GKE cluster. I hope it is useful.

Add METRICS_SCHEMA to exclusion list with lower case match. This will permit to complete jobs without errors using TiDB.

Great tool ! Any plans to add custom certificate when connecting to private Minio host ?

This implements the feature DATE_PREFIX from pull-request https://github.com/benjamin-maynard/kubernetes-cloud-mysql-backup/pull/31 and fixes incorrect shebang in the two shell scripts

This will make bucket directory look better to browse easily. ``` 2021 ㄴ 05 ㄴ 19 ㄴ backup.sql ㄴ 20 ㄴ backup.sql ```

An error occurred (SignatureDoesNotMatch) when calling the PutObject operation: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. I am using...

I have encoded the base64 string using the command > base64 -i gke_key.json -o k.txt I added the text string in the kubernetes yaml file as a secret. What is...

I have setup cloud mysql backup in our environment which consists of develop (on our own k8s), staging/production on digital ocean. On our k8s, it works like a treat! On...

**This pull request updates the existing MySQL database backup script to enhance its functionality and introduce file cleanup capabilities. The changes aim to make the backup process more efficient and...

Hey ! I use this project since 2 years and this is very helpful. I recently upgrade my database to mysql 8 with caching_sha2_password Authentication Plugin to improve security. And...