Michael Benich
Michael Benich
I have the same issue. It's a compatibility issue with the latest version of CTFd. Were you able to get it fixed?
I believe the intention is you are supposed to alter that single line in `quick_start.sh` ``` #run the bot python3 bot.py ``` I'm still running into some docker networking issues....
I can confirm on Kali 2.0 it's having difficulty passing it to /usr/bin/hashcat. Btw @mariogd you can change the responder directory with --responder-dir /usr/share/responder/logs
Are you interested in solutions to the High School Competitions? (EasyCTF, the high school version of CSAW..etc) I can contribute to those if you want.
If you look at the code, it takes the following arguments: > function Invoke-EternalBlue($target, $initial_grooms,$max_attempts) So you need to Import-Module and then invoke the function with proper arguments.
I am having the same issue using the version installed with Kali Linux 2016.2 x64 and compiling directly from github. Setting the rate did not fix the problem as mentioned...
A better way would probably use argparse to take a file as input. I will make a PR as soon as it counts for hacktoberfest :)
I get a similar error, and the following output. http://i.imgur.com/FB1FIYG.png