Benjamin DeCoste

Results 6 comments of Benjamin DeCoste

If anyone sees tests that randomly fail please post them (test name and stack trace would be awesome) in this issue!

@jvmancuso the latest master build failed .. might be this issue ``` ______________________ TestFlatten.test_flatten_rank_four ______________________ [gw0] linux -- Python 3.5.7 /home/circleci/repo/venv/bin/python3 self = def test_flatten_rank_four(self): > self._core_flatten(input_shape=[4, 5, 2, 2])...

Seems like we want to test API guarantees. testing against all these libs individually might become unruly / make CI super slow. Or perhaps there will be few enough that...

Isn't TFE a dependency of PySyft? Seems like API guarantees would cover that case as well, but where the API is quite fluid right now and the integration is early...

I have used travis as well as circle ci, I don't really consider one better than the other. So if it is the only way we can automate windows builds...

What is involved in this? I assume you need new coefficients and obviously there will be fewer terms.