Benjamin Cripps
Benjamin Cripps
Thanks, I will be able to take a look at this early this week, and come back with some recommendations. The last thing I want is to change the way...
I wish I had :/ but I have been super busy this week. I will get to this saturday or sunday, and I'll report back!
@MethodenMann sorry for the delay on this; I really don't have a good idea on this one. I'm not super familiar with sagas so I don't feel comfortable offering guidance...
Could you hide the edit item with CSS? Also I believe the renderer works with tree mode as well.
Hmm, the documentation shows that dataSource is either a `function` or a `string`. I feel like that should be enough?
Hmm yeah -- I think what we really need here is better documentation for all of the exposed ACTIONS. I will mark this issue as a feature request for better...
@headwinds that would be a huge help!
Do you have this in a public repo? Rather than using a `querySelector` to get the actual divs, you should be connecting the component to this slice of the grid...
Sounds good. Upon selectAll, if the indices array is empty or missing, that's a bug that should be logged/fixed.
For hiding rows and the header, currently the grid doesn't support such an action. But I'm ok with adding an action to do it. It would look something like ```...