Benjamin Cripps
Benjamin Cripps
Have you taken a look at the [docs]( If this doesn't answer your question, we should update them to add additional information.
I'm not sure I'm 100% clear what you're asking. Are you hoping to configure separate methods when you fetch paging data, and when you are handling a sort event?
I feel like I've seen example of this kind of behavior -- perhaps @Vanderslice may have some insight here.
That could work; it would require a major release, but that would be OK. PR's welcome!
I don't think it would be that difficult since the full data object comes in the drop event, I'm not sure if the `stateKey` does, however. That would be easy...
I probably won't have the time to do it at the moment, but PR's are welcome! I think that's a great improvement to make.
I think option A is nicer -- but I also think it would be cool if both worked? The only one I think we should add to the selectors list...
I think that's a valid assumption. Seems like a simple enough change as well.
At this time, the selection-model is designed around row selection. We could support cell selection, but that would be a pretty drastic change. `activeCls` is the className that gets added...