Hate to break it too you but this is a bad idea. I can see where you are coming from but it would break countless redstone contraptions and be very...
I don't see that idea as being particularly helpful, but the best way I can image to do it is, whenever a Hopper runs it's check for containers to enter...
I very much like this idea, in my opinion the best way to code it would be to have every time a minecart passes a chunk border check for and...
yeah, ofc
Perhaps that would be better off as a customizable option of 2no's hopper optomization. Or if not it would be nice if it could be compatible.
Whoops, I'm bad at spelling
Perhaps the best way to deal with this is to store the withers target when it is saved and reloaded.
With all respect I don't think you understand carpet mod and I think your idea is bad. Carpet mod is for adding more opportunities and making tasks easier on the...