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This database website is an un-official guide and reference for the pets, food and stats from the game Super Auto Pets.


This database website is an un-official guide and reference for the pets, food and stats from the game Super Auto Pets.



  • Install node (I use v14.16.0, your mileage may vary on earlier versions).
  • Run npm install.

Building the project

You can use npm run prod:build or npm run dev:build to build the site. This will write the website to the docs/ directory, for hosting through GitHub Pages.

You can use npm run dev to create a local development server.

Navigating the project

  • docs/ - The output directory for the website files. Everything in this directory is generated from the src/ files, you probably don't want to be changing these files directly.
  • src/ - Code files used in the project
    • db/ - Files involved in building and populating the pets database.
      • food/ - Files defining all the food items in the game.
      • pets/ - Files defining all the pets items in the game.
      • statusEffects/ - Files defining all the status effects items in the game.
    • emoji/ - Git submodules for the emoji fonts that contain the animal icons.
    • web/ - Files involved in building the website.
      • assets/ - Static files and images
      • components/ - React components.
      • hooks/ - React hooks.
      • live/ - Entry point for the run-time code.
      • ssr/ - Entry point for static site rendering code.


One goal of this project is to have all pets and food described as data so that they can be used and consumed by other applications.

For this reason we are also building an api.json file that other applications can use and consume.

The JSON follows the following schema:

export type Pack = "StandardPack" | "ExpansionPack1";

export interface Pet {
  // The name of the pet.
  name: String;
  // The tier the pet appears in.
  tier: number;
  // The standard starting attack points for the pet.
  baseAttack: number;
  // The standard starting health points for the pet.
  baseHealth: number;
  // Which packs the pet appears in.
  packs?: Pack[];
  // The ability the pet has at level 1.
  level1Ability?: Ability;
  // The ability the pet has at level 2.
  level2Ability?: Ability;
  // The ability the pet has at level 3.
  level3Ability?: Ability;

export interface Ability {
  // The text description of the ability.
  description: string;
  // What behaviour (by the trigger entity) will initiate the ability.
  trigger: Trigger;
  // Which entity will trigger the effect.
  triggeredBy: Target;
  // What the effect does.
  effect: Effect;

The purpose of the extra information on the Ability type is so that in the future we could do things like:

  • Generate more detailed/precise descriptions for what each ability does.
  • Allow filtering on things like "pets that spawn other pets".

This extra ability information is still subject to change as the data model becomes clearer. Check out src/database/index.ts to get a better idea of how this information is structured.

Useful Resources