Bence Cs
Bence Cs
Sure! I created a folder, let's call it `avr4l_deb`. Then, I created `avr4l_deb/DEBIAN/control` file ([here]( is a template from my other project). Then I copied the files I want to...
If you build with a Makefile, I can help you add packaging commands to it. You can probably do it with other build systems too, but I don't know how....
Sorry for the derpage with these pull requests. Anyways, I added the Debian `control` file to the repo.
I have a similar issue. It seems that `pybind11` is prematurely calling the destructor (and thus, `free()`) on some Poppler objects (for example, `EmbeddedFile*` elements of `std::vector Document::embedded_files()`), which results...
Thanks for the quick response! I intend to work on it some more, but cannot promise anything yet
I second this, plus indicate the license in META.yml and META.json