Benjamin Adam
Benjamin Adam
Reading the source I dont think it is. Closing the issue.
Yeah your project looks really awesome though! (My use case is I want to write a service that can run on the client or server to dynamically generate graphics) -...
Wow this is awesome thanks for the write up!!
This is not an ideal experience. We will fix this, but just a warning it might be a few months before we get to it.
We are planning on supporting this - will probably be a few months before we get to it.
What VPN / region? (I will try and reproduce)
The three big settings we get comments about are playback rate, video quality, and captions. I have hacked around the dom to support the first two, but haven't been able...
@PJUllrich basically I am just selecting their media element and listening for events. I am sure this is very brittle and hacky but "it works". ```ts function usePlaybackController({ el, setPlaybackRate,...