Results 89 issues of ben18785

Hi, I am a researcher at Oxford / Imperial, who is working to developer a suite of tools for inference on (hard) ODE and PDE models (see [PINTS]( Example models...

Adds a log-normal distribution both without (default) and with mean-adjustment as described in #1376

- Simplifies DRAM so it only takes 2 proposal kernels (I think it was overkill to allow more before) - In doing so, sorts bug highlighted in #1337 - Notebook...

Julia has really fast ODE solvers. I'd like to have an example notebook where we show how Julia solvers can be used from within Python, so that they can be...


1. Functional testing! Fergus and David? 2. Automatic MCMC initialisation: Ben 3. MultiNest: Ben 4. Sort bug in populationMCMC: Michael 5. Provide some way for model comparison: Rebecca, David and...

Implements `SubProblem` and `ProblemCollection` methods which collectively allow: - problems to be constructed where different outputs are measured at different times - separate subproblems to be created for different subsets...

These functions are currently quite unwieldy -- long and hard to follow in places. As such, Better Code Hub identifies these are areas we should refactor. It wouldn't take much...

code and design

PKPD models will likely need outputs from the same model with different likelihoods. E.g. one output follows a normal model; another follows a log-normal. At the moment, this sort of...


This is necessary for the function to work properly as it is designed. As part of this, I'll update the docstrings too. As part of this, it may be necessary...

code and design

I often seem to be getting an error when trying to run NUTS on the Goodwin-Oscillator example. The below code reproduces this. The failure only occurs when I use transformations...
