Yep, in the README -- I can't think where it would go in the docs (other than in lots of places!)
@sanmitraghosh That's interesting and I think also something we should add (but I don't think it should be the default because that's not typically the default in other papers). To...
@mirams Yes, some regression equation of the form, y ~ N(alpha + beta x, sigma), would definitely be worth including. Do all models that we'll be considering have continuous parameters?...
What's the simplest electrochemistry/electrophysiology models that exist? Can we test those?
@MichaelClerx That's great, thank you. Which of the parameters should I be trying to infer? Am guessing the 0.01 and 0.1 might be a good place to start?
@martinjrobins Interesting to compare this to AR1 model as think they're the same although estimation approach is different (you use the Kalman filter to compute the log-likelihood, I use another...
@martinjrobins this is an oldie but a goodie. Think we might as well try and include it, so long as we have some tests written...
I suspect sometimes relatedly, I get the same error when I call `cmdstanr::cmdstan_model` from the console and the remedy is to create a new Stan file and compile that instead.
Works locally and the error message is uninformative on the online app.
Also, change categorisations to match those of Stan as otherwise the lists will be too long.