Results 95 comments of ben18785

Hi David: it's not actually a bug, just the old definition of how this was handled for ESS. So, think it's ok to leave as is rather than update to...

Yep, fine if you’ve already done it — thanks! > On 14 Feb 2021, at 18:46, David Augustin wrote: > > The soon to be deprecated pints.effective_sample_size will still be...

Thanks @DavAug In response to your questions: 1. I don't mind. It probably makes most sense for it to go in the diagnostics module. 2. Yes, if it's already implemented...

Sorry, I was not clear when we spoke this morning! (Was still trying to understand how the sampler worked and the best way to implement it.) If we include Horrowitz...

Just a quick one -- aren't we already using some sort of finite differences scheme here to solve? Couldn't we just use that rather than rely on outside packages... On...

If this is going to be a real pain, I'd say we could drop it (or make it an example of how to interface with Julia). I just thought it...

Yep, really like this idea! I'd like to see how it works for an example... > On 14 Feb 2020, at 17:00, Martin Robinson wrote: > > if you wanted...

Let's chat about this tomorrow -- I think a notebook where we trial Casadi would be really nice. But we wouldn't have Casadi as a dependency. On Mon, Feb 17,...

Cool. Thanks. To be clear, I like the example — real data and hence more persuasive. The only things I was wondering about were: a) don’t we have a way...

Good description of how to do so here: