Ben P.
Ben P.
`.product(name: "FirebaseAnalyticsOnDeviceConversion", package: "firebase-ios-sdk"),` from: `.package(url: "", exact: "10.22.1"),`
Thanks for the quick reply! I suppose the plan makes this more of a bug report rather than an FR 🤣
@ncooke3, thanks so much for the quick turnaround! Small nitpick in case it was missed: the [10.24 changelog doesn't seem to mention this]( for 10.24.0.
@austincondiff - I'd like to nab this one.
Interesting- I couldn't get horizontal text wrapping to work until I commented out this line: _STTextViewController.swift:86_ It appears to have regressed the default functionality provided by STTextView's `widthTracksTextView` property.
Per Khan's [comment on discord](, Will see if I wrap this work before he wraps his on adopting TK2.
@austincondiff - After doing some digging, it appears that implementing functionality needed for the wrapped line indentation stepper control... implied by this screencap:_ would require some pretty sensitive changes...
I'll add one. Thanks.
@austincondiff - this has merged and should be good to close. As mentioned before- the indenting behavior is covered in a [separate issue in CodeEditTextView](