
Results 26 comments of bemoody

Nice to know this is possible, though I haven't tested it. I do see a few problems with the implementation here that would need to be addressed: - Numerous functions...

Thanks! As I said before, did you try simply changing "multiprocessing.Pool" to "multiprocessing.dummy.Pool"? I know that multiprocessing is messy and best avoided here, but multiprocessing.dummy should not have the same...

If we do want to make parallel downloads optional, I'd say the name of the argument should be `parallel` or something like that. If we change the implementation to use...

Yeah, the documentation could be improved (and the API itself could be improved.) Are you just referring to the doc string for 'rdrecord', or do you see other places in...

Definitely this would be a useful thing to have in the package! It's not an issue I've thought much about, but would make a nice student project. :) One element...

Thank you! This looks like a great improvement. I'm not entirely familiar with `pathlib` so I'm a little unsure of some of the details. One thing to be wary of...

This is a bug in wfdb_to_wav; it calls rdrecord with smooth_frames=False when what it wants is smooth_frames=True. Thanks for pointing this out! We ought to include a test case for...

Looks like multiprocessing shenanigans; see also pull #330. Same question here - does changing `multiprocessing.Pool` to `multiprocessing.dummy.Pool` fix the issue?

As an application programmer, I want the data. I actually don't care what data structure is used to hold it, as long as the structure is consistent for all input...

One-dimensional CNNs, yeah. A two-dimensional CNN (and a two-dimensional input array) would only make sense if the channels were ordered spatially, right? But I'm not here to argue with people's...