Stas Fomin
Stas Fomin
Sorry for delaying answers! > Install/enable the nbdime merge driver. > After any actions that cause a merge conflict, the notebook will contain conflict markers. Open the notebook for editing,...
> Needless to say, a test case is always needed. pipenv based minimal sample. * Run to build Then… ``` [root@stasbox64gb nuitka-numba]# ./ Traceback (most recent call last):...
Is the isssue still "need_example"?
Actually, the problem not in Linux Distro, but in target architecture. I tried to install on Dell Optiplex 5050, and the problem in supporting "avx2" in cpu_info["flags"]. I cannot fix...
> Is there any way to bypass the error and get installed the package? My workaround →
`However, I have been running this CoCalc instance for several years and don't recall this behavior in the past.` Too many possible causes — * your VM could be overloaded...
I think you should use nginx reverse proxy to get letsencrypt cert, without even touching docker container.
Like this. Run nginx trivial site like this ``` server { listen 80; server_name calc.onyour.domain; root /var/data/cocalc-test-root; location / { autoindex on; } } ``` and run ``certbot certonly``, answering...
You probably shoud get inside container (replace «cocalcserver» with your container name) `` docker exec -it cocalcserver bash `` and look here whatup with postgres ``` root@d19e787d1d02:/# ps -ef |...
«400 bad request» obviously SSL problem, sometimes then SSL request going to 80 port… Try temporaily disable 80 port on your nginx config, or test setup running ``lynx`` on VM...