
Results 9 comments of belmonmi

@neoayi I'm glad your approach worked for you, but I'm sure this is not acceptable "solution" for most of developers with their development environments contains third party extensions that had...

@foximoxi I think you nailed it. Sometimes mistakes happens and it is OK, sometime third-party products that you relay on change their interfaces/protocols (xCode 13 vs. xCode 14) and this...

@VWilcox2000 I think (conspiracy theory on my end :) ), that iOS MAUI team spend majority of their time on Mac not on PC. This is why their workload deployments...

@elGuille-info thank you for your efforts. It looks like VS Preview code/workloads got trickled in to PROD/Release version of VS. This is again reinforced @foximoxi point, that deployment process for...

![ShellTitle]( "Tab 1" selected - Shell Title is visible, "Tab 2" selected - Shell Title is visible, back to "Tab 1" - Shell Title disappeared.

@nebula2 Exactly! We cannot release as well until it fixed. Application title area has a vital information that has be visible always. BTW: works on Android, no issues. Very frustrated...

@nebula2 "Having a very hard time to stay calm" - LOL. Your endurance is exceptional!! :)

@nebula2 thank you for the update. We are using Developer Express components; I will check if I can accomplish the same with what they provide.