
Results 13 issues of belikor

Currently `support_create` and `support_abandon` only support `claim_id` as input. It would be good if we could use a claim URI, name or channel name directly. ```sh lbrynet support...

Discussing on Discord we think that maybe there should be a way of getting the USD/LBC exchange rate directly from `lbrynet`. At the moment the SDK gets this information and...

```sh lbrynet stream cost_estimate 'lbry://@xeroforhire#3/DLive-Stream-Dec-1#b' ``` Results in failure ```sh { "code": -32500, "data": { "args": [], "command": "stream_cost_estimate", "kwargs": { "uri": "lbry://@xeroforhire#3/DLive-Stream-Dec-1#b" }, "name": "KeyError", "traceback": [ "Traceback (most...

The OGG file format is normally used for audio files with the Vorbis audio codec. The OGG format can also contain an image. So, it would be good if the...

type: new feature

I wrote a more extensive collection of functions to wrap around `lbrynet` to download and manage the LBRY claims. The library of functions is the subdirectory package `lbrytools`, which...


Most claims when resolved online have the same type of data in the output dictionary; instead of handling the printing by special functions, we could simplify this by using a...

help wanted

Various operations such as download and delete can only be performed on downloadable content, that is, streams. At the moment many functions depend on searching multiple claims from a channel...

help wanted

This follows from the closed issue #6, and #7. At the moment the generic function `space.cleanup_space` looks at all claims. The parameter `never_delete` considers channels to avoid when deleting claims....

help wanted

This follows from the closed issue #6. At the moment the generic function `clean.cleanup_space` looks at all claims. The parameter `never_delete` considers channels to avoid when deleting claims. Maybe a...

help wanted

With LBRY when a claim is downloaded, it downloads blob files that are stored on the blobfiles directory. In Linux this is normally ``` /home/user/.local/share/lbrynet/blobfiles ``` However, if the claim...

help wanted