Luca Belforte
Luca Belforte
Seeing exactly the same. did you find why? (i have even less metrics) curl -Ss localhost:9713/metrics 2>&1 | grep gluster |grep -v ^# | cut -d \{ -f1|sort|uniq gluster_brick_capacity_bytes_total gluster_brick_capacity_free_bytes...
In fact i had to put a very large initialDelaySeconds on the liveness probe as it was killing the container before weblogic was starting (still in the operator part), so...
I haven't kept logs but what i have is the exit code: Containers: weblogic-server: Container ID: containerd://f2baeb6839bb88e66448d84dcc7baddf862801caa665f598542573ad61538d6a Image: nexus.priv:9003/middleware/weblogic/wls: Image ID: nexus.itsmtaxud.priv:9003/middleware/weblogic/wls@sha256:f2af756c4df2358f27cb8f51c8469d83bea4594a6a5ec95be830d5d837f086ed Port: 7000/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP Command: /weblogic-operator/scripts/ State:...
Hello @tbarnes-us Indeed it's unusual, it was related to resource availability of the underlying K8s nodes. Once the node got more resources (some logical limitation on the vcenter) all was...
if you have firewalld enabled you need to open the port: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=9323/tcp
on my side it work with the caddy image, but the firweall was blocking access (as in the end docker expose this metrics already) the caddy is just used for...
I have no more the issue so hard to reproduce. But the weblogic was not yet started (probably the same check as liveness could be enought?) with the advantage that...