That's not a fix for the problem codehandling?! Can anyone post a real solution for closing all menu's when clicking another? \
found it by myself with the code from codehandling: add $(".flexnav ul").removeClass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).hide(); to jquery.flexnav.js on line 120 (just under $('.touch-button').on('click', function(e) { ) That will close all tabs first,...
Even better solution. It slides up too: Add $(".flexnav ul").removeClass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).slideUp(settings.animationSpeed); after else if ($sub.hasClass('flexnav-show') === false) { or just replace the $('.touch-button').on('click', function(e) function with this: $('.touch-button').on('click', function(e) {...
didn't took a look at that. the website where I'm using the menu only has 1rst class childs, no submenus. I'm not very good in jquery, but for submenu's the...
> I guess it should work better, but I can't get it to work with my everwarm here > > Here are the possible instructions if someone have an idea...