Behrang Norouzinia
Behrang Norouzinia
Yes, please add CI support.
Proposed solutions don't work in `grunt-contrib--watch`. Although this may be handled in that task. EDIT: It is not inherited by watch task, but it is possible to add it to...
I don't remember! I may had this problem on Mac OS X. On linux, it is working correctly.
This is a breaking change, but the first parameter of the old `slice_compute_data_size?` function was wrong and I think there is no problem in changing it to the fixed version.
Maybe adding another option to `mode` could help. Something like `local` in addition to `host` and `ingress`.
This is almost a mirror of Parsec in Haskell. That is a functional language, and everything is a function, and the discoverability problem you mentioned is one of the key...
I read your article, and it was great. My viewpoint: - I tried to implement Hipo in a rebasing way initially, then found out that it's not feasible in TON...