Results 74 issues of Benedikt Ehinger

Hi! Great toolbox, I am using it heavily in I right now ran into a problem: I am making use of the automatic matrix expansion for "y" with a...


Disclaimer: I'm not using erplab in the regular way, but try to make use of the continuous artefact rejection function. In this case the error should occur always not specific...

Some students in the lab got this error in opensesame: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "XXX\Lib\site-packages\pyqode\core\managers\", line 284, in _send_heartbeat self.send_request(echo_worker, {'heartbeat': True}) File "XXX\Lib\site-packages\pyqode\core\managers\", line 251, in...

## Problem description I often encountered the issue, that there is no way to dodge datapoints in a scatter (or less important imho line) plot. That is going from here:...

I try to fetch multiple single files from a large osf repo with many files ( Due to the know constraints (e.g. #155, #148, #149 ) osfclient recursively goes through...

Hi! hope I didn't miss it in the docs somewhere, is it possible to extend the formula syntax with keyword-value pairs? E.g. `poly(x,deg=5)` instead of the boring `poly(x,5)` Cheers, Benedikt

We are currently planning an eye-tracking comparison study (concurrent Eyelink 1000 & Pupillabs recording). We will compare many different measures and paradigms. The current plan includes: Saccade & Fixation parameters...

type: documentation

I got this bug on a headless matlab installation on my server (which definitely has internet ;)). ``` Installing ICLabel Error using plugin_getweb (line 18) Cannot connect to the Internet...

Hi! I tried using your toolbox on a biosemi 64+16 extra channel file. It's not my data and I look for a quick way to (re)analyse them. Anyway, I started...

Hi! When I run `Export_output_dir`, within `export_dir`, somehow the server calculates the .html's twice, e.g. Also note the double of "output/output" (it also copies the .jl files to the...