Bernhard Haslhofer
Bernhard Haslhofer
Currently, when an error log pops up when the user enters a non-existing Bitcoin address. Showing an error dialogue "Unknown address" would be better.
We could abbreviate addresses and put a copy-to-clipboard icon next to it. E.g., "17vzpL7n29egdeJF1hvUE4tKV81MqsW4wF" -> "17vzpL...W4wF" (cp symbol). The same would work for transactions.
Users still seem to have issues dealing with API limits on the dashboard: "Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, zu erfahren, wann das Request-Limit erreicht wurde und damit weiß man auch nicht,...
see also #251 and #252
Or do you mean all transactions for a given input address on a specific day?